

Syngonium varieties are easy care plants as long as you remember to water them. They are low light tolerant houseplants and will grow virtually anywhere in your home. Their leaves display a wide range of colors and patterning, so choose the one that best fits your space!

While beautiful, this plant is TOXIC when consumed and should be kept out of reach of small humans and pets!

Type: Vine

Also Known As:
- Arrow head vine (because of the shape of its leaves!)

Ideal For:
- Low-light environments
- This plant is NOT pet friendly!

General Care Instructions

Light: Although these plants are low light tolerant, they will grow faster and maintain their vibrant coloring and markings if grown in medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun will scorch their leaves.

Water: Allow your Syngonium to dry out partially between watering. If left dry for too long the lower leaves will dry up and turn brown. If this happens, soak the soil and let the plant rehydrate.

Notes: This plant does not enjoy a drafty location and should be kept away from doorways or AC units.