
Anthurium Flowering - All


Flowering Anthurium plants come in a variety of sizes with “flowers” (technically a protective and decorative leaf) in a rage of colours such as red, white, pink, and burgundy. These plants are excellent air purifiers. Anthurium flowers will typically last for between 2-4 weeks before dying off. Even though your plant may no longer have flowers it is still healthy and will re-flower if the conditions are ideal!

Type: Leafy Tropicals

Flowers are Also Known As:
- Painter’s Pallet
- Flamingo Flowers

Ideal For:
- Humid locations
- Doting plant parents! Some care must be given to help your Anthurium re-flower
- Keep away from curious fur babies such as cats and/or dogs

General Care Instructions

Light: Anthuriums enjoy a bright spot with diffused light. This is not a low light plant, however, it should not be placed in direct strong light as this will cause the leaves to yellow and/or burn. Optimum light is especially important if you are looking for your plant to re-flower.

Water: Water your plant throughly but do not allow it to sit in water that has collected in the tray. Before watering make sure the soil is barely dry to the touch--even though this plant does not enjoy drying out it also does not like to stay sopping wet or sit in water.

Notes: As a tropical plant, Anthuriums enjoy the occasional mist. For larger plants we encourage you to clean the leaves when they get dusty. If you notice the leaves turning yellow this is likely a sign of over watering. If the leaves begin turning crispy you might try increasing the humidity around the plant and giving it a regular misting.

Fun Fact: The name anthurium is derived from two Greek words, anthos (flower) and oura (tail). So, a literal translation of the name would be “flowering tail”.

Anthurium Colours and Varieties