
Cactus (Various Types)

Cacti come in a range of striking shapes and sizes! These plants literally can be miniature in size or grow into giant plants in the wild (or in a pot!). Given their unique shape and colors, and depending on how the plant is styled, these beauties can add a minimalist or bohemian vibe to your space.

Care instructions for these plants, despite variety, is generally the same!

Type: Cacti

Ideal For:
- Well lit, arid environments
- Cactus enthusiasts

General Care Instructions

Light: Contrary to popular belief cacti do not enjoy strong direct light as this can burn the plant. Cacti should be kept in a bright spot with indirect light.

Water: Cacti should be watered sparingly and infrequently! When watering give the plant about 1/2 a cup. Water your planter every 3-4 weeks or when the soil is totally and absolutely dry! Underwatering is preferable to overwatering.